
Leon Muggli

Zug / NL - 24/25
  • Position
  • Height
    6'0" / 184 cm
  • Weight
    176 lbs / 80 kg
  • Shoots
  • Contract

Leon Muggli’s smooth and agile footwork set the foundation of his game. When he’s set and ready for the rush, beating him wide is close to an impossible task. He absorbs the attack and follows opponents with a combination of smooth pivots and backward strides, and then launches himself at them, stick outstretched, to knock the puck away. -EliteProspects 2024 NHL Draft Guide

A mobile and very smart defenseman with few weaknesses. Plays a routined game at a young age. Agile with a great range. Plays calm and if nessesary physical in puckbattels. (by Reto Grimm, October 2023)

Brothers: Gian Muggli & Tim Muggli

IFRAME (simple)

Example use
- Blogs
- Articles
- Team websites

Insert the code at the location where you wish the player statistics to show.

Regular season + playoffs


<iframe src="https://www.eliteprospects.com/iframe_player_stats.php?player=795529" width="100%" height="430" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Only Regular season

If Regular season + playoffs is too wide.



<iframe src="https://www.eliteprospects.com/iframe_player_stats_small.php?player=795529" width="100%" height="430" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
RSS (advanced)

Example use
- Team websites

Depending on the technical environment on your server, your programming language etc, you can read/include the statistics in many different ways. Below is an example on how you can include the statistics using PHP.

Note that the first box holds the code for an RSS feed with EP layout, while the second box is unformatted and possible to style after your own preferences using CSS.

EP layout
$rss = new SimpleXMLElement('https://www.eliteprospects.com/rss_player_stats.php?player=795529', null, true);
foreach($rss->xpath('channel/item') as $item) {
    echo utf8_decode($item->description);
No layout
$rss = new SimpleXMLElement('https://www.eliteprospects.com/rss_player_stats2.php?player=795529', null, true);
foreach($rss->xpath('channel/item') as $item) {
    echo utf8_decode($item->description);

To customize the layout of "no layout" option, specify the following following CSS classes on your site:

CSS class to create      HTML tag affected
p_stats <p>
a_stats <a href>
table_stats <table>
tdh_stats <th> (heading)
tr_stats_odd <tr> (odd row)
tr_stats_even <tr> (even row)
td_stats_odd <td> (odd row)
td_stats_even <td> (even row)