League Information and Facts
2011-2012 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. Briercrest College & Seminary 18 703 6'1" 190 lbs 22.00
2. Concordia Univ. College of AB 20 993 6'1" 189 lbs 22.70
3. Grant MacEwan Univ. 25 921 6'0" 188 lbs 22.61
4. Mount Royal Univ. 29 1 039 6'0" 191 lbs 22.59
5. Northern AB Inst. of Tech. 26 1 023 6'0" 181 lbs 22.46
6. Portage College 26 859 5'11" 184 lbs 22.58
7. SAIT (Southern AB Inst. of Tech) 27 958 6'0" 189 lbs 23.04
8. Univ. of Alberta-Augustana 26 1 455 6'0" 189 lbs 22.96