League Information and Facts
2008-2009 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. EC The Ravens Salzburg 20 1 366 5'6" 142 lbs 19.74
2. ESC Planegg 27 2 118 5'6" 142 lbs 20.89
3. Gric Zagreb 22 709 5'5" 140 lbs 20.55
4. HC Slavia Praha 24 635 5'7" 141 lbs 21.50
5. HC Slovan Bratislava 28 5 494 5'6" 141 lbs 22.89
6. HDK Maribor 19 1 994 5'5" 134 lbs 21.11
7. OSC Eisladies Berlin 26 1 971 5'6" 141 lbs 24.92
8. SPG Sabres/Flyers United 21 2 464 5'6" 141 lbs 20.50