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Black Wings Linz
© Photo: Hannes Draxler

Austria flagGregor Baumgartner

#79 Black Wings Linz / EBEL - 14/15

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Gregor Baumgartner Facts

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Gregor Baumgartner Statistics

Regular Season + Postseason
Filter Leagues
S ASCTeam League GP G A TP PIM +/- POST GP G A TP PIM +/-
1994-95undefined flagSainte-Foy GouverneursQMAAA432829572-Playoffs1294134-
1995-96undefined flagClarkson Univ.NCAA70110-1
undefined flagGatineau L'IntrépideQMAAA15811196-Playoffs43250-
undefined flagAustria U18EJC-18 C411210-
undefined flagAustria U20WJC-20 B51230-
1996-97undefined flagLaval Titan Collège FrançaisQMJHL6819446315-9Playoffs30000-5
1997-98undefined flagLaval Titan Collège FrançaisQMJHL683151821022Playoffs165121762
1998-99undefined flagAcadie-Bathurst TitanQMJHL68335891144Playoffs2388168-3
1999-00undefined flagMichigan K-WingsIHL59691511-15
undefined flagAustriaWC60000-1
2000-01undefined flagUtah GrizzliesIHL313254-4
undefined flagOklahoma City BlazersCHL62358-2
undefined flagIdaho SteelheadsWCHL422420
2001-02undefined flagUtah GrizzliesAHL341010204-1Playoffs100000
undefined flagFort Worth BrahmasCHL321323
2002-03undefined flagPensacola Ice PilotsECHL5828245229-13
2003-04undefined flagVienna CapitalsEBEL2354912-6
2004-05undefined flagEC SalzburgEBEL------
undefined flagVienna CapitalsEBEL26610164-1Playoffs1021320
2005-06undefined flagVienna CapitalsEBEL45102030363Playoffs50000-3
undefined flagAustria (all)International31232-
2006-07undefined flagBlack Wings LinzEBEL552820484410Playoffs30110-3
undefined flagAustriaWC601101
undefined flagAustria (all)International130114-
2007-08undefined flagBlack Wings LinzEBEL461819371412Playoffs113254-3
undefined flagAustria (all)International20000-
2008-09undefined flagBlack Wings LinzEBEL522120412213Playoffs61124-4
undefined flagAustriaWC60112-3
undefined flagAustria (all)International80222-
2009-10undefined flagBlack Wings LinzEBEL54142135288Playoffs1852710-8
undefined flagAustria (all)International31010-
2010-11undefined flagBlack Wings LinzEBEL49881610-17Playoffs100000
2011-12undefined flagBlack Wings LinzEBEL492224461018Playoffs17931266
undefined flagAustriaWC D1A533624
undefined flagAustria (all)International743724
2012-13undefined flagBlack Wings LinzEBEL521425398-9Playoffs131452-2
undefined flagAustriaWC70334-1
undefined flagAustriaOGQ311222
undefined flagAustria (all)International21369100
2013-14undefined flagBlack Wings LinzEBEL54121224146Playoffs810100
undefined flagAustria (all)International20000-1
2014-15undefined flagBlack Wings LinzEBEL800000

Gregor Baumgartner Tournament Statistics

Regular Season + Postseason
Filter Leagues
S ASCTeam League GP G A TP PIM +/- POST GP G A TP PIM +/-
1992-93undefined flagAustria Stars PWQC Int PW------
1998-99undefined flagAcadie-Bathurst TitanMemorial Cup30110-2

Team Staff History

S ASCTeam League Role on team Notes
2016-17Austria flagAustriaOGQAsst. Coach
Austria flagAustriaWC D1AAsst. Coach
2017-18Austria flagAustria U18WJC-18 D1BDir. of Player Development
Austria flagAustria U20WJC-20 D1ADir. of Player Development
Austria flagAustria (all)InternationalAsst. Coach
2018-19Austria flagAustria U18WJC-18 D1BDir. of Player Development
Austria flagAustria U20WJC-20 D1ADir. of Player Development
2019-20Austria flagOkanagan HC Europe U18 RedEBJLSkills Coach
Austria flagOkanagan HC Europe U18 WhiteEBJLSkills Coach
Austria flagOkanagan HC Europe U20EBYSLSkills Coach
2020-21Austria flagBlack Wings 1992ICEHLGeneral Manager
2021-22Austria flagBlack Wings LinzICEHLGeneral ManagerReleased 2022-01-19
2023-24Austria flagUEHV Gmunden SharksAustria3Sports Manager
Austria flagUEHV Gmunden SharksAustria3Head Coach
2024-25Austria flagUEHV Gmunden SharksAustria3Head Coach
Austria flagUEHV Gmunden SharksAustria3Sports Manager


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Gregor Baumgartner Career Totals

Regular Season + Postseason
Filter Postseason
League ASCYears GP G A TP PPG PIM +/- Years GP G A TP PPG PIM +/-
undefined flagAHL 1341010200.594-1110000.0000
undefined flagCHL 294480.891010
undefined flagEBEL (ICEHL)125131581833410.662023710922214360.3928-17
undefined flagECHL 1582824520.9029-130
undefined flagEJC-18 C 141120.5010-0
undefined flagIHL 290911200.2215-190
undefined flagInternational 859914230.39203*0
undefined flagMemorial Cup 130110.330-20
undefined flagNCAA 170110.140-10
undefined flagOGQ 131120.67220
undefined flagQC Int PW 1-------0
undefined flagQMAAA (QM18AAA)2583640761.318-216126181.134-
undefined flagQMJHL 3204831532361.1639173421320330.7914-6
undefined flagWC 4250550.206-40
undefined flagWC D1A 153361.20240
undefined flagWCHL 142241.00200
undefined flagWJC-20 B 151230.600-0
* Some data is missing to provide a correct summary.

Gregor Baumgartner Career Highlights


11/18/2014confirmedBlack Wings LinzUnknown
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04/05/2012extensionBlack Wings LinzBlack Wings Linz
informationExternal source linkDetails
02/12/2009extensionBlack Wings LinzBlack Wings Linz
informationExternal source linkDetails

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Gregor Baumgartner Biography and Trivia

Drafted 1996, 1 #2 by Laval Titan Collège Français in the CHL Import Draft
Cult/Star player for Austria

- 2000-04-25 • Debut for Team Austria (1:4 vs. Belarus in Minsk, BLR)

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