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American Collegiate Hockey Association II ACHA II 2009-2010

American Collegiate Hockey Association II map

ACHA II Team Rosters


2009-2010 ACHA II Standings

# ASCTeam GP W T L OTW OTL GF GA +/- TP PPG Postseason
1.St. Louis Univ.1610-6-----201.25-
2.Adrian College------------
3.Arizona State Univ. (ACHA II)------------
4.Babson College (ACHA)------------
5.Bates College------------
6.Baylor Univ.------------
7.Boise State Univ.------------
8.Boston College (ACHA)------------
9.Bowling Green State Univ. (ACHA)------------
10.Bridgewater State Univ.------------
11.Brigham Young Univ.------------
12.Brown Univ. (ACHA)------------
13.Bryant Univ.------------
14.Bucknell Univ.------------
15.California State U. - Long Beach------------
16.California State U. - Northridge------------
17.Castleton State College------------
18.Central Connecticut State Univ.------------
19.Central Michigan Univ.------------
20.Clark Univ.------------
21.College of New Jersey------------
22.College of the Holy Cross (ACHA)------------
23.Columbia Basin College------------
24.Connecticut College------------
25.Daniel Webster College------------
26.Davenport Univ.-----------
27.DePaul Univ.------------
28.Duke Univ.------------
29.East Carolina Univ.------------
30.Eastern Illinois Univ.------------
31.Eastern Kentucky Univ.------------
32.Eastern Washington Univ.------------
33.Endicott College------------
34.Ferris State Univ. (ACHA)------------
35.Franklin & Marshall College------------
37.George Washington Univ.------------
38.Georgetown Univ.------------
39.Gonzaga Univ.------------
40.Grand Valley State Univ.------------
41.Harvard Univ.------------
42.Indiana Univ. of PA (ACHA II)------------
43.Keene State College------------
44.Kennesaw State Univ.------------
45.Kutztown Univ.------------
46.La Salle Univ.------------
47.Lafayette College------------
48.Life Univ.------------
49.Lindenwood Univ.------------
50.Long Island Univ. - C.W. Post------------
51.Loyola Marymount Univ.------------
52.Lyndon State College------------
53.Marist College------------
54.Marquette Univ.------------
55.Merrimack College------------
56.Miami Univ. (Ohio) (ACHA)------------
57.Michigan State Univ.------------
58.Michigan Tech (ACHA)------------
59.Millersville Univ.------------
60.Minnesota State Univ. (ACHA)------------
61.Missouri State Univ.3719018-0------
62.MIT (Mass. Inst. of Tech.)------------
63.Monmouth Univ.------------
64.Montana State Univ.------------
65.Muhlenberg College------------
66.New York Univ.------------
67.NJIT (New Jersey Inst. of Tech.)------------
68.North Carolina State Univ.------------
69.Northeastern Univ. (ACHA)------------
70.Northern Arizona Univ. (II)------------
71.Northern Illinois Univ. (II)381202402556553526532767---
72.Northern Michigan Univ. (ACHA)------------
73.Northwestern Health Sciences Univ.------------
74.Norwich Univ. (ACHA)------------
75.Ohio State Univ. (ACHA)------------
76.Penn State Univ.------------
77.Portland State Univ.------------
78.Princeton Univ. (ACHA)------------
79.Rhode Island College------------
80.Rider Univ.------------
81.Robert Morris U Maroon------------
82.Roger Williams Univ.------------
83.Rowan Univ.------------
84.RPI (Rensselaer Poly Inst) ACHA------------
85.Rutgers Univ.------------
86.Saint Anselm College (ACHA)------------
87.Saint Joseph's Univ.------------
88.San Diego State Univ.------------
89.San Jose State Univ.------------
90.Seton Hall Univ.------------
91.Siena College------------
92.Southern IL U-Edwardsville (II)------------
93.Springfield College------------
94.St. Cloud State Univ. (ACHA)------------
95.St. Norbert College------------
96.St. Olaf College (ACHA)------------
97.Temple Univ.------------
98.Texas A&M Univ.------------
99.Tufts Univ. (ACHA)------------
100.U.S. Coast Guard Academy------------

2009-2010 ACHA II Player Stats

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2009-2010 ACHA II Goaltending Stats

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2025-2026 ACHA II Free Agents

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2026-2027 ACHA II Free Agents

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ACHA II Team Comparison

# Team ASCPlayers Experience Avg Height Avg Weight Avg Age
1.Adrian College223182.50 cm / 6'0"102.00 kg / 225 lbs18.50
2.Arizona State Univ.14341179.14 cm / 5'10"76.14 kg / 168 lbs19.14
3.Baylor Univ.1873178.09 cm / 5'10"79.00 kg / 174 lbs19.50
4.Boise State Univ.15395179.14 cm / 5'10"80.71 kg / 176 lbs20.33
5.Boston College34940179.82 cm / 5'10"80.95 kg / 176 lbs21.20
6.Bowling Green State Univ.16486178.80 cm / 5'10"82.40 kg / 181 lbs21.60
7.Bridgewater State Univ.14471182.07 cm / 6'0"86.93 kg / 190 lbs20.00
8.Bryant Univ.18473179.17 cm / 5'10"79.67 kg / 174 lbs19.25
9.California State U. - Fullerton17441179.12 cm / 5'10"82.65 kg / 181 lbs18.00
10.California State U. - Northridge20580176.83 cm / 5'9"75.17 kg / 165 lbs23.00
11.Central Connecticut State Univ.16495178.75 cm / 5'10"83.25 kg / 183 lbs20.33
12.Central Michigan Univ.10308179.30 cm / 5'10"81.20 kg / 179 lbs20.00
13.College of the Holy Cross23609178.57 cm / 5'10"77.79 kg / 170 lbs20.00
14.Connecticut College636179.00 cm / 5'10"79.25 kg / 174 lbs19.00
15.Davenport Univ.2199185.00 cm / 6'1"100.00 kg / 220 lbs24.00
16.DePaul Univ.201 018178.74 cm / 5'10"79.16 kg / 174 lbs21.00
17.Duke Univ.27486181.73 cm / 5'11"84.46 kg / 185 lbs22.00
18.East Carolina Univ.18482178.00 cm / 5'10"81.33 kg / 179 lbs21.80
19.Eastern Washington Univ.17937183.76 cm / 6'0"84.65 kg / 185 lbs21.60
20.Florida Gulf Coast Univ.231 329180.81 cm / 5'11"85.94 kg / 187 lbs21.10
21.George Washington Univ.11314182.56 cm / 6'0"78.33 kg / 172 lbs19.56
22.Georgetown Univ.14429181.15 cm / 5'11"79.62 kg / 174 lbs21.00
23.Gonzaga Univ.14351180.08 cm / 5'11"77.23 kg / 170 lbs-
24.Keene State College17495180.47 cm / 5'11"81.35 kg / 179 lbs20.67
25.Liberty Univ.17491180.88 cm / 5'11"82.94 kg / 181 lbs19.00
26.Lindenwood Univ.18777179.11 cm / 5'10"81.17 kg / 179 lbs22.90
27.Loyola Marymount Univ.16482177.60 cm / 5'10"77.80 kg / 170 lbs19.50
28.Marist College16754180.63 cm / 5'11"84.25 kg / 185 lbs20.67
29.Marquette Univ.15391180.57 cm / 5'11"83.64 kg / 183 lbs19.17
30.Merrimack College28149179.14 cm / 5'10"84.43 kg / 185 lbs29.80
31.Metro State Univ. of Denver10160.00 cm / 5'3"-22.00
32.Miami Univ. (Ohio)15566179.71 cm / 5'10"81.07 kg / 179 lbs21.00
33.Michigan State Univ.18670178.50 cm / 5'10"76.83 kg / 168 lbs20.17
34.Michigan Tech11240180.50 cm / 5'11"87.00 kg / 192 lbs23.00
35.Millersville Univ.19804180.69 cm / 5'11"80.88 kg / 176 lbs24.00
36.Minnesota State Univ.6179180.83 cm / 5'11"81.83 kg / 179 lbs21.50
37.Montana State Univ.12233179.50 cm / 5'10"81.67 kg / 179 lbs22.00
38.Montclair State Univ.21810178.47 cm / 5'10"80.53 kg / 176 lbs20.20
39.North Carolina State Univ.12347182.18 cm / 6'0"82.00 kg / 181 lbs21.00
40.Northeastern Univ.24745179.13 cm / 5'10"81.46 kg / 179 lbs21.00
41.Northern Arizona Univ.18446181.12 cm / 5'11"81.41 kg / 179 lbs20.69
42.Northern Michigan Univ.17826177.82 cm / 5'10"80.12 kg / 176 lbs20.57
43.Norwich Univ.20357178.72 cm / 5'10"83.61 kg / 183 lbs21.33
44.Ohio State Univ.19706179.50 cm / 5'10"82.36 kg / 181 lbs21.13
45.Penn State Univ.291 017179.52 cm / 5'10"80.95 kg / 176 lbs21.06
46.Princeton Univ.13183177.82 cm / 5'10"75.91 kg / 165 lbs19.50
47.RPI (Rensselaer Poly Inst)15262179.73 cm / 5'10"81.93 kg / 179 lbs20.50
48.Rider Univ.18695177.89 cm / 5'10"77.06 kg / 170 lbs21.00
49.Roger Williams Univ.26320178.62 cm / 5'10"79.00 kg / 174 lbs-
50.Rowan Univ.22654178.73 cm / 5'10"80.32 kg / 176 lbs20.25
51.Sacred Heart Univ.25513178.65 cm / 5'10"79.29 kg / 174 lbs19.75
52.Saint Anselm College1260180.67 cm / 5'11"83.67 kg / 183 lbs20.67
53.Saint Joseph's Univ.16603180.33 cm / 5'11"75.33 kg / 165 lbs19.50
54.San Jose State Univ.201 353180.45 cm / 5'11"82.05 kg / 181 lbs21.80
55.Seton Hall Univ.19364178.40 cm / 5'10"76.60 kg / 168 lbs20.33
56.Siena College16689180.13 cm / 5'11"82.88 kg / 181 lbs20.83
57.Southern IL U-Edwardsville17829181.82 cm / 5'11"82.53 kg / 181 lbs21.00
58.St. Cloud State Univ.12343182.75 cm / 6'0"81.25 kg / 179 lbs23.00
59.Texas A&M Univ.16671182.31 cm / 6'0"82.31 kg / 181 lbs20.00
60.UCLA23606181.12 cm / 5'11"81.82 kg / 179 lbs20.50
61.Univ. of California-Berkeley15293180.00 cm / 5'11"79.13 kg / 174 lbs20.00
62.Univ. of Cincinnati14333180.07 cm / 5'11"82.14 kg / 181 lbs19.67
63.Univ. of Connecticut13657177.38 cm / 5'10"81.00 kg / 179 lbs21.00
64.Univ. of Dayton20594180.35 cm / 5'11"83.40 kg / 183 lbs19.00
65.Univ. of Denver15552178.40 cm / 5'10"80.47 kg / 176 lbs20.60
66.Univ. of Idaho20642180.28 cm / 5'11"81.22 kg / 179 lbs21.80
67.Univ. of Illinois19719179.47 cm / 5'10"81.29 kg / 179 lbs20.40
68.Univ. of Iowa14652180.29 cm / 5'11"80.50 kg / 176 lbs20.00
69.Univ. of Kentucky181 034178.20 cm / 5'10"78.67 kg / 172 lbs19.50
70.Univ. of Louisville8161181.25 cm / 5'11"86.00 kg / 190 lbs-
71.Univ. of Maine16381177.00 cm / 5'10"77.73 kg / 170 lbs18.50
72.Univ. of Maryland15566176.60 cm / 5'9"76.50 kg / 168 lbs20.50
73.Univ. of Massachusetts18631182.00 cm / 6'0"79.89 kg / 174 lbs20.25
74.Univ. of Michigan13515179.08 cm / 5'10"79.00 kg / 174 lbs20.00
75.Univ. of Minnesota14494183.85 cm / 6'0"84.62 kg / 185 lbs21.83
76.Univ. of Minnesota-Crookston21238181.29 cm / 5'11"85.48 kg / 187 lbs22.75
77.Univ. of Missouri211 146182.11 cm / 6'0"82.89 kg / 181 lbs19.00
78.Univ. of New Hampshire26783182.00 cm / 6'0"83.00 kg / 183 lbs20.00
79.Univ. of North Carolina21550181.05 cm / 5'11"80.85 kg / 176 lbs23.00
80.Univ. of North Texas13386181.00 cm / 5'11"78.00 kg / 172 lbs21.00
81.Univ. of Pennsylvania22842180.39 cm / 5'11"78.17 kg / 172 lbs21.00
82.Univ. of Scranton26764179.70 cm / 5'10"82.87 kg / 181 lbs19.33
83.Univ. of Southern California17574179.13 cm / 5'10"80.50 kg / 176 lbs21.00
84.Univ. of St. Thomas14652183.89 cm / 6'0"84.89 kg / 185 lbs21.50
85.Univ. of Texas11367177.70 cm / 5'10"78.10 kg / 172 lbs22.00
86.Univ. of Texas - San Antonio13272178.62 cm / 5'10"76.85 kg / 168 lbs22.00
87.Univ. of Vermont15454182.80 cm / 6'0"83.60 kg / 183 lbs20.40
88.Univ. of Virginia21433183.90 cm / 6'0"80.00 kg / 176 lbs20.00
89.Univ. of Washington15558181.00 cm / 5'11"82.87 kg / 181 lbs20.00
90.Univ. of Wisconsin18469180.76 cm / 5'11"79.71 kg / 174 lbs21.50
91.Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee15138180.83 cm / 5'11"87.00 kg / 192 lbs18.50
92.Utah State Univ.191 384182.42 cm / 6'0"85.89 kg / 187 lbs23.33
93.Utah Valley Univ.3131186.33 cm / 6'1"87.00 kg / 192 lbs21.00
94.Virginia Tech21564178.29 cm / 5'10"80.41 kg / 176 lbs20.00
95.Washington State Univ.278175.50 cm / 5'9"81.50 kg / 179 lbs-
96.Weber State Univ.15637180.90 cm / 5'11"82.50 kg / 181 lbs22.57
97.West Virginia Univ.20316179.00 cm / 5'10"84.00 kg / 185 lbs19.63
98.Westfield State Univ.18433177.20 cm / 5'10"80.40 kg / 176 lbs-
Team Comparison History
Regular Season

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League All-Time Penalty Min.

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