League Information and Facts
1998-1999 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. Amherst College 14 5'4" - -
2. Augsburg University 25 5'5" - 19.17
3. Colby College 13 5'10" - 20.00
4. Colgate Univ. 4 23 5'6" - 18.00
5. College of Saint Benedict 10 5'5" - 19.00
6. Connecticut College 14 5'5" - -
7. Hamilton College 11 5'6" - -
8. Middlebury College 17 5'6" - -
9. MIT (Mass. Inst. of Tech) 1 5'4" - 20.00
10. RIT (Rochester IOT) 1 - - -
11. RPI (Rensselaer Poly In.) 19 23 5'6" - 18.00
12. Sacred Heart Univ. 1 5'2" - -
13. Saint Mary's Univ. 10 5'5" - -
14. St. Catherine Univ. 6 - - -
15. U. of Wisconsin-River Falls 1 5'2" - -
16. Univ. of Southern Maine 19 270 5'6" - -
17. Univ. of Vermont 18 5'4" - -
18. Univ. of Wisconsin-Superior 6 5'5" - -
19. Wesleyan Univ. 18 883 - - 19.60
20. Williams College 16 - - -