League Information and Facts
1919-1920 Team Comparison
# Team Players Experience Avg Avg Avg Age
1. Army (U.S. Military Academy) 10 - - -
2. Boston College 9 - - -
3. Boston Univ. 10 15 - - -
4. Dartmouth College 16 5'8" 165 lbs 21.00
5. Harvard Univ. 12 5'8" 157 lbs 21.80
6. Princeton Univ. 1 - - -
7. Union College 11 - - -
8. UMass 8 - - -
9. Univ. of Notre Dame 11 2 5'11" 174 lbs -
10. Univ. of Pennsylvania 7 - - -
11. Yale Univ. 14 - - 20.67