Brian Glenwright
Columbus Owls / IHL - 75/76
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Brian Glenwright Facts
- Date of BirthOct 08, 1949
- Age
- Place of BirthWindsor, ON, CAN
- Nation
- Youth Team-
- PositionLW
- Height191 cm / 6'3"
- Weight91 kg / 201 lbs
- ShootsL
- Contract-
- Drafted
Brian Glenwright Statistics
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Brian Glenwright Tournament Statistics
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Brian Glenwright Career Totals
Regular Season + Postseason
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* Some data is missing to provide a correct summary.
Brian Glenwright Connections
Player | Period | Years | Teams |
Dick Proceviat (D) | 1969-1974 | 5 | Chicago Cougars, Denver Spurs, Kansas City Blues |
Bob Whitlock (F) | 1968-1974 | 3 | Chicago Cougars, Kitchener Rangers |
Gary Veneruzzo (F) | 1969-1972 | 3 | Denver Spurs, Kansas City Blues |
Borden Smith (F) | 1970-1976 | 3 | Kansas City Blues, Saginaw Gears |
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