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Jan Vopat

  • Position
  • Height
    5'11" / 180 cm
  • Weight
    207 lbs / 94 kg
  • Shoots
  • Status

He had developed a rare skin rash, known in sports circles as "gunk," on his knees and shins. The rash causes a mass of ugly, purple welts to appear on the body and scratching makes the condition worse. Vopat tried to combat the "gunk" with a variety of ointments--without luck. Vopat ended his 1999-2000 season on December 10, 1999 after six games. After hoping the off season would clear the rash, he found that it was back. His NHL dream had to be abandoned. He did try a comeback in 2000-01 with a team in Finland, but he had to withdraw before playing a game because the rash began creeping across his arms and legs. Due to tha he was forced to retire.

Father: Jan Vopat
Brother: Roman Vopat
Son: Lukas Vopat

Team Staff profile of Jan Vopat also available

IFRAME (simple)

Example use
- Blogs
- Articles
- Team websites

Insert the code at the location where you wish the player statistics to show.

Regular season + playoffs


<iframe src="https://www.eliteprospects.com/iframe_player_stats.php?player=18052" width="100%" height="580" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Only Regular season

If Regular season + playoffs is too wide.



<iframe src="https://www.eliteprospects.com/iframe_player_stats_small.php?player=18052" width="100%" height="580" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe>
RSS (advanced)

Example use
- Team websites

Depending on the technical environment on your server, your programming language etc, you can read/include the statistics in many different ways. Below is an example on how you can include the statistics using PHP.

Note that the first box holds the code for an RSS feed with EP layout, while the second box is unformatted and possible to style after your own preferences using CSS.

EP layout
$rss = new SimpleXMLElement('https://www.eliteprospects.com/rss_player_stats.php?player=18052', null, true);
foreach($rss->xpath('channel/item') as $item) {
    echo utf8_decode($item->description);
No layout
$rss = new SimpleXMLElement('https://www.eliteprospects.com/rss_player_stats2.php?player=18052', null, true);
foreach($rss->xpath('channel/item') as $item) {
    echo utf8_decode($item->description);

To customize the layout of "no layout" option, specify the following following CSS classes on your site:

CSS class to create      HTML tag affected
p_stats <p>
a_stats <a href>
table_stats <table>
tdh_stats <th> (heading)
tr_stats_odd <tr> (odd row)
tr_stats_even <tr> (even row)
td_stats_odd <td> (odd row)
td_stats_even <td> (even row)