Connor Palumbo
#24 Los Angeles Jr. Kings 18U AAA / T1EHL 18U - 24/25
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Connor Palumbo Facts
- Date of BirthJun 05, 2007
- Age17
- Place of BirthLos Angeles, CA, USA
- Nation
- Youth TeamLos Angeles Jr. Kings
- PositionD
- Height195 cm / 6'5"
- Weight95 kg / 209 lbs
- ShootsR
- Contract-
Connor Palumbo Statistics
Regular Season + Postseason
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Connor Palumbo Career Totals
Regular Season + Postseason
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Connor Palumbo Connections
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Mira Costa High School
Fitness Results
- Body Size
- Wingspan- cm | - in
- Height193.04 cm | 76 in
- Weight90.72 kg | 200 lbs
- Body Composition
- Body Fat %- %
- BMI- kg/m2
- Flexibility
- Sit and Reach- cm | - in
- Strength/Power
- Vertical Jump- cm | - in
- Sit Up- per 60sec
- Pushup- times
- Bench Press- times
- Pullup- times
- Speed
- 40 yard dash- sec
- 10 yard dash- sec
- Anaerobic Power
- Wingate 30 second (bike)- PPO
- Agility
- Hexagon Test- sec
- Shuttle Cross Pick-Up- sec
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